Abstract Art And Using The Theta State

A Stress Free State Of Mind
There is a silence in the early morning and late at night. It empowers your creative mind to step into the drivers seat without doubt or anxiety. It’s there naturally before sleep and when awakened, and can exist throughout your normal daily activities if you let it. Science calls this silence the theta state. Brain waves during theta state are free flowing and occur without censorship or guilt. When performing a task in the theta state you are mentally disengaged. Actions are automatic and intuitive, giving you a stress-free state and allowing you to focus and imagine with ease.
Appreciating Abstract Art
Technology and the modern industrial world is embedded into our society and operates at a busy pace. There is not much that we can do to escape it. We tend to mentally engage in the processes of our lives all too often without ever letting the relaxed state of mind take its course. This practice is actually a destroyer of a precious balance with the creative mind and the theta state.
Many artists reacted to our modern society by creating abstract art in the intuitive theta state, consciously or unconsciously. And understanding this very basic cultural reaction will give you a greater appreciation for abstract art and the artist. The action of painting for an intuitive abstract artist is a natural creative process that does not involve a great deal of thought. By not “trying” and just “doing” the art becomes the experience, the experience becomes the art.
In this sense abstract paintings are reminding us that it is healthy to mentally disengage, and even much needed in our current world. The artwork and the artist say without words that we should be free to express and explore our creativity without defining and categorizing things all the time.